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Jamaican Anthem and Pledge

Jamaican Anthem and Pledge

National Anthem Eternal Father bless our land,Guard us with Thy Mighty Hand,Keep us free from evil powers,Be our light through countless hours.To our Leaders, Great Defender,Grant true wisdom from above.Justice, Truth be ours forever,Jamaica, Land we love.Jamaica, Jamaica, Jamaica land we love. Teach us true respect for all,Stir response to duty’s call, strengthen us the weak to cherish,Give us vision lest we perish.Knowledge send us...

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How does Sea Moss take care of you?

How does Sea Moss take care of you?

By keeping your skin healthy & glowing with vitamins A, E & K. Iron rich Sea Moss masks, deep condition, treat & protect your scalp. This strengthens your follicles and promotes hair growth. Sea Moss' fiber & prebiotics stimulate digestion and maintain gut health. A healthy biome allows for proper absorption of the Sea Moss into your blood, so that magnesium, zinc & iodine can...

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Happy Juneteenth 2022

Happy Juneteenth 2022

"A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin & culture is like a tree without roots." ~ #MarcusGarvey

On this Juneteenth, let us remember that our Ancestors are our roots. They anchored movements. They fought for rights. They survived so we could thrive. Honour them by watering your roots. Keep oral history alive. Share their stories. Share their remedies & recipes. Share their joy. Learn from their hardships. They walked so we could run. Preserve our culture. Water your Roots.




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