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Benefits of this Herb

I tried Duck Flower Detox and it took me out, but it was worth it

I tried Duck Flower Detox and it took me out, but it was worth it

I typically workout 5 days a week and have slow steady progress in my heath goals.  A friend asked me if I had done a detox before and I did but, made me want to do a duck flower detox

Great idea yeah, in theory.  I got my duck, took one out of the pack and add it to a cup of hot water.  I let it steep for about 20 minutes then took it out.  First drank the tea, all of it, then I ate the flower, chewed it up thoroughly, and completely.  

It is not a lovely flavorful tasting flower, but not terrible. 

The terrible part came a couple hours after.  I got ready for it though, with water, a puke bucket and some fruits.

About 2 hours later I was in the bathroom, the "movement" came, strong but not aggressive.  However, about 30 minutes later I had to use the puke bucket, and for the next 8 hours I was worshiping that bucket every 15 - 25 minutes.  It was not fun.

After the hurling ended, I felt unsettled in my stomach, then hydrated and nibbled on fruits.  Two days later, I feel great, leg day was a breeze, lost 5lbs, I could breathe better, allergies were gone and just a feeling of clarity.

Not sure when I will do that again, but it was completely worth it.




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